Youth Ministry
Sunday School, Mission Trips, Social Activities & More!
Youth are given opportunities for fun experiences together that help build Christian community. Some favorites include snow tubing, corn maze, Hershey park trips and summer pool parties.
We also offer an annual free outreach event for all Warwick 7-12th grade students called the 5th Quarter, after a football game.
The St. Paul Youth are offered many opportunities throughout the year to serve their community and beyond, including church projects like delivering flowers to widows/widowers in our congregation on Valentine’s Day, & outreach projects like the Lititz Empty Bowls Dinner.
The Sunday school program at St. Paul is open to all ages from 9:30-10:30 am during the school year.
- Confirmation – Grades 7 & 8 – Student curriculum is focused on the teachings of Jesus and the Lutheran Catechism, led by Pastor Robert Wallace. They will attend Confirmation Camp.
- High School Bible Study – The youth meet for Bible study led by Johnna McCormick. They take a fresh look at classic bible storis and how to use them to guide their lives through adolescence and into adulthood. Once a month, they host the 4th-6th grade classes for Mentor Mornings, including games and youth led group discussions on real-life topics facing teens/tweens.
St. Paul Youth are offered opportunities to travel outside of our community to learn and serve in different environments.
Middle school youth attend the ALIVE Synod Retreat at Camp Nawakwa each year in September.
High School youth are eligible for mission trips and the ELCA National Youth Gathering, held every 3 years.
At St. Paul, we encourage all ages to worship together, and youth are invited to get involved in a number of ways. Youth may serve as acolytes, lectors, communion assistants and hosts. In addition, youth are called upon at times to assist with children’s sermons and help with processionals for special Sundays like Easter and Reformation.
Worship Music: Throughout the year, youth may participate in various vocal and instrumental ensembles, play bells, serve as a cantor or accompanying instrumentalist and even liturgical dance. Youth are also welcome to be part of the St. Paul Praise Band.