Children's Ministry

Children are Valued!
Children are Valued!

St. Paul embodies a community that is grounded yet constantly evolving. We foster children’s connections with Jesus, whether at church, home, school, or beyond. Our ministries are purposefully designed for faith to take root and guide children along the path of the Lord. Our mission involves following Jesus by showing love, studying the Bible, serving needs, and offering praise to God!

Kids in Church!
Kids in Church!

At St. Paul, children are welcome at our worship services. Our services include children’s sermons, a “prayground” area for play, busy-bags, and opportunities for kids to be worship leaders. We also prepare children and their families for Baptism and Communion.

Children's Sermons
Children's Sermons

Find Deacon Emily’s weekly sermons for children on YouTube.

Sunday School

Preschool (3yrs) - 6th Grade.
Preschool (3yrs) - 6th Grade.

St. Paul offers Sunday School at 9:30AM during the school year. The children explore faith through Bible stories, crafts, games, conversation and more. Classes are grouped by age/grade.
All teachers have federal and state clearances to care for children.

Babies & Toddlers
Babies & Toddlers

For the littlest ones, we provide care through new baby visits, support and family fellowship.

Explore our Splash Group that meets during Sunday school.  Parents bring their babies to this class & connect with other families raising young children.

Faith Step-Stones
Faith Step-Stones

Each month we celebrate one age group as they take a new step in faith. Children prepare for these steps in Sunday school and at home. Faith Step-Stones




The Sunday school curriculum is based on resources from Sparkhouse.

Lutheran Camping Corporation

We support the work of the Lutheran camping corporation and offer opportunities for kids to attend summer camp, as well as year-round camp adventures!

Lutheran Camping Corporation

Safe Child Protection Policy

St. Paul strictly adheres to a child protection policy  in order to provide a safe environment for children, youth, and their leaders.

Safe Child Policy

Safe Communities







Video: Training to be an Acolyte

Kids (4th grade and older) can acolyte on Sundays.  Training is required.  Check out our Acolyte training video:

Deacon Emily Myallis
Deacon Emily Myallis

Minister of Children and Families

Contact Deacon Emily