Children Worship!
At St. Paul, children are welcome in worship! Both worship services include a children’s sermon, a “prayground” area for play, busy-bags to use in pews, and opportunities for kids to be worship leaders. We also prepare children and their families for the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. Worship extends to our CELC school children too with weekly Chapel.

Children Grow!
At St. Paul, children grow in faith! We offer Christian education through our kids’ Sunday School classes, monthly Faith Step-Stones, and special pop-up programs connected to the church year. Our ministries are intentionally designed to help faith take root and grow in kids, both at church and in their homes, schools, and beyond. This includes our awesome summer-time ministries! Additionally, we support parent-led groups to gather for study, fellowship and service.

Children Explore!
At St. Paul, children explore their gifts! We support and create opportunities for kids to serve through our outreach partners. Our Children/Family Committee provides vision and seasonal planning for service projects.
We promote the children & family ministry of Lutheran Camps as an outdoor church, and we connect with local seniors at Luther Acres.

Children's Sermons
Find Deacon Emily’s weekly sermons for children on YouTube.
Sunday School

Preschool (3yrs) - 6th Grade.
St. Paul offers Sunday School at 9:30AM during the school year. The children explore faith through Bible stories, crafts, games, conversation and more. Classes are grouped by age/grade.
All teachers have clearances to care for children.

Babies & Toddlers
For the littlest ones, we tend to their spiritual care through new baby visits, faith-filled newsletters and opportunities for fellowship as families.
Explore our Splash Group that meets during Sunday school. Parents bring their little ones with them. The parents connect over faith conversations while the little ones play.

Faith Step-Stones
Each month we celebrate one age group as they take a new step in faith. Children prepare for these steps in Sunday school and at home. We celebrate them during our worship services. Faith Step-Stones
Find Out More!
The Sunday school curriculum is based on resources from Sparkhouse.
St. Paul strictly adheres to a child protection policy in order to provide a safe environment for children, youth, and their leaders.
"How to" for Kids
Kids, 4th grade and older can acolyte on Sundays. Training is required. Check out our training video:

Deacon Emily Myallis