VBF - Vacation Bible Fun!
Have you heard of VBS, Vacation Bible School? This summer at St. Paul, we’re introducing VBF – Vacation Bible Fun!
Join us on Sundays in June (11am-12pm, outdoors) for games, crafts and fellowship for children, families and adults.

Lego Bible Builders
Each week we build something new based on a Bible story. Have fun creating and playing together.
Wednesdays: June 19 – July 24, 10:00 – 11:00 am.
All ages welcome (preschool & K, must have an adult).
Camp Kirchenwald & Nawakwa
You can register for a week at summer camp. St. Paul will pay half of a week for you & a friend (up to $250 per person).

Science Squad
Kids in grades K-6 are invited to explore God’s creation through a creek walk! We will explore the environment, find critters & more.
June 11: 9-11 am for grades K & 1
June 12: 9-11 am for grades 2 & 3
June 13: 9-11 am for grades 4, 5, 6