Plan Your Visit

What to Expect

We welcome you to join us for meaningful worship at St. Paul on Sundays at 8:15a & 10:45a*. Our services feature liturgical worship with blended music, from traditional to contemporary.

*Summer worship schedule: Sundays at 8:15 & 10 am, June - Aug.

Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get to know our church family.


What will services be like?

At each service you will experience a congregation of all ages and backgrounds.  We see the great blessing of many generations worshiping together.  Each service includes diverse styles of music, scripture-inspired sermons by Pastor Rob and a special message for children by Deacon Emily. The services typically last 60 minutes. 

What should I wear?

Dress varies from casual to dressy  – jeans & t-shirts to business casual and dresses.  We care more about meeting your needs than what you wear.  Please come as you are!


Are my kids welcome?

We welcome  & encourage all children to attend worship! There are “busy bags” at the sanctuary doors for use during the service. During the children’s sermon, kids can come up front to hear the message just for them!

If your little one is bursting with energy on a Sunday morning,  you may use the “Prayground” in the lobby.  The prayground is a space for children & families to participate in worship while allowing children to play.

Sunday School:  During the school year  we offer Sunday school at 9:30am for all ages. The programs for children are fun, interactive and educational. Groups are segmented by grade.  All teachers have federal and state clearances to care for children. 




Holy Communion

We offer Holy Communion every Sunday.  All baptized Christians are invited to receive the bread and wine.  Those who do not commune may come to the altar for a blessing.  Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.