Life Together: Outsiders and Insiders
Stpaullititz   -  

Lent 3 (March 23, 2025)

Life Together — our Lenten theme — sounds great, but what about the times we found ourselves as an outsider?

Pastor Rob reflects outsider-insider dynamics by looking at the book of Ruth, as Ruth begins her new life in Bethlehem (Ruth 2:1-7).  As we work with the story, we see that at certain points in our lives, we are like Ruth, an outsider; at other points, we are like Naomi, a bridge builder; at other points, we are like Boaz, the insider.  As it turns out, each role can be a sacred role.

Perhaps though this story isn’t just about our lives though, but also foreshadows the work of Christ, who becomes an outsider for us that we might become an insider with him.

The image comes from a leadership website about insider/outsider dynamics.