Letting Go and Letting God: Into your hands I commend my Spirit
Lent 4 (March 10, 2024)
“Into your hands, I commend my Spirit”, Jesus from the cross, praying Psalm 31:5
In life, we will hear the phrase “Let go and Let God!” What does this look like? Jesus here seems to be embodying this letting Go and letting God, resigning himself, surrendering control and putting his life in God’s hands. This certainly is Letting Go and Letting God.
But does it always look like this? A deeper dive in Luke 23 suggests that Letting Go and Letting God – Commending ourselves – also means letting go of our things (generosity ) and letting go of our fears (courage).
This is quite a summons then. What empowers this? The answer lies in the second half of the Psalm: “For you have redeemed me, O faithful God!”