A New Story
Easter 3
April 18, 2021
The disciples on the road to Emmaus (Like 24:13-35) are blind to Jesus’ presence and the evidence of resurrection. How can this be?
Pastor Rob explores the power of story — how the stories we tell ourselves about the world, about others and about ourselves becoming self-fulfilling prophecies that enable (often to our own detriment) us to ignore evidence to the contrary.
In the Gospel passage, the story seems, at first, to be that violence and death win. And so the disciples cannot see the evidence of resurrection. This also seems to be the story in our world right now. This story of the power of death and violence blinds us to God’s love in our lives.
But as it turns out, there is more to the story…and that is where the serendipity, grace and the Gospel enter in!
(I have seen this painting in various places online, but cannot find the artist’s name. I would like to give credit!)