Calories are both Physical and Spiritual!
Stpaullititz   -  

September 1, 2024

Once again, Jesus is criticized by religious leaders for his mealtime practices (portions of Mark 7).  Turns out, he is always being criticized for WHO eats with him, WHAT he eats and HOW he eats.

It would be easy for us to judge the religious leaders of his day, but turns out, in our world today we have lots of rules, judgement and shame around the WHO, WHAT and HOW of food.

So what do we do?  We can’t quite give up on food!

Pastor Rob picks up the idea of “spiritual calories” and our need for spiritual nourishment.  While there are many ways to find “spiritual calories”, this particular Sunday we are invited to consider ways in which we might reclaim our eating as a spiritual practice.  In so doing, our physical nourishment also becomes our spiritual nourishment.  Ultimately, we cannot give up on food and eating as spiritual, for Jesus himself does not, choosing to become our physical and spiritual bread.  In so doing, he turns our shame into joy!

The image comes from an online article about calorie counting