We are Works in Progress
Stpaullititz   -  

September 8, 2024

As Jesus is healing a man’s blindness, the man says “I can see people, but they are like trees walking.”  (Mark 8:14-26)  This prompts Jesus to work more on the man’s eyes.

It turns out that Jesus really has to work to heal the man!  The story serves as a key to understanding Mark’s Gospel in that Jesus repeatedly has to work on the disciples to open their eyes and hearts.

Like the original disciples, we too are works in progress.  We are beloved, capable — saints; but we are also broken, selfish — sinners.   Our whole life Jesus is working on us.

If we take it that we are, indeed, “Works in Progress”, what doors to relationship does allow for?  And what does it mean for us that our society remains a “Works in Progress”?

Perhaps the short answer is — our hands are going to get dirty!

The image is from a faith blog, but the original author of the image is unknown.