Community Sacred Grounds & Prayer Labyrinth
St. Paul's Sacred Grounds provide a shared space for the community, featuring a prayer labyrinth, monarch waystation, community gardens, wildflower meadow, and a native forest. The upkeep of the grounds is carried out by dedicated volunteers.
St. Paul Prayer Labyrinth
You are welcome to explore the labyrinth for personal prayer and meditation.
What is a prayer labyrinth? Simply put, it is a place to walk and pray.
A prayer labyrinth is a structured maze-like pathway crafted for an active prayer experience. It features a clear route leading to the center with deliberate turns incorporated. Unlike a maze, there are no tricks or dead ends – just a purposeful path. The Church has employed prayer labyrinths for centuries, with intricate designs found in the floors of European cathedrals like Chartres in France. The earliest known use of a prayer labyrinth dates back to 325 AD.

Learn More!

Suzanne Black, Director of Outreach.