The prodigal who knows the way home
Pastor Rob Myallis   -  

Lent 4 (March 27, 2022)

When things fall apart, the ‘prodigal son’ knows that his ‘father’ is good and ‘they way home.’  Spiritually, this means that the prodigal knows that God is merciful and the prodigal knows that God’s mercy can be found at “home.”  In our world today, so many people don’t know this — they don’t know that God is merciful; they do not know of a “home” a place where they can go and receive God’s mercy.

Pastor Rob reflects on the call of St. Paul to be a church that will reach out to those who do not ‘know the way home.’

PS  The artwork is “The Prodigal Son” by Rembrandt.  We have a print of this at St. Paul.  It was found online here:

PPS  We took a break from the sermon series on Abraham.  The reading from Genesis was about Hagar fleeing Sarah’s abuse. Given the adult nature  of this story, it was covered in bible study, but not the sermon.