A cup of coffee served with dynamite
Pentecost 2023 (May 28)
What do coffee and dynamite have to do with each other?
Funny you should ask. Pastor Rob preaches a sermon on confirmation Sunday about the limits of parents and the unlimited power of prayer. The image Pastor Rob offers of God inviting us to prayer is a grandmother with a cup of coffee in one hand and a stick of dynamite in the other.
(What is confirmation? When a child is baptized, their parents, along with godparents and the congregation, make promises to raise the child in faith. As a child grows within a home and community of faith, their faith becomes more deeply connected to the faith of others. They start understanding more personally, learning how to live faith in daily life. Confirmation is a rite, typically following a period of instruction in the basics of the faith, in which youth or adults publicly confess their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, affirming the promises God made them in Baptism. It is not an end point in the journey of faith, but it is a key point in embracing the life of a disciple. Confirmation invites the whole congregation to affirm the faith of the confirmands.)